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Lavender Sessions

Updated: Feb 18, 2023

Well, that's all my Lavender images from my pre-booked sessions all done and with the clients.

Mixed feelings about this years sessions. After all but one spot being reserved within the first 24 hours, I ended up with only half the sessions then being paid for.

Ok, so sometimes this happens, people change their minds. However I did have someone who insisted they wanted the shoot and after spending a lot of time emailing back and forth, even re doing their invoice when they rebooked again after they had failed to pay the first time round and their session slot had expired, they still ended up not paying and I had to cancel their spot for a second time. This was over a period of around two weeks or so.

I really try to keep my sessions at reasonable prices, but as they say 'time is money' and the amount of time I spent on this person, I should have charged double! I would have much preferred they had just said they didn't want the session.

It is because of things like this that photographers ask for deposits even when it's just for reserving a spot (or charge more). So please just keep this in mind when you reserve a session with a photographer. :)

However, aside from that, I think this has been my best year so far. I got some lovely images of some fab people and thoroughly enjoyed myself while doing it.

Chasing bubbles, playing hide and seek and peekaboo among the Lavender, I hope my super star models enjoyed it too! :)

Here are a few of my favourites from this year:

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