Get A Quote
Please provide as much information as you can at this point including (but not limited to) service of interest, address of shoot location (if known) who the shoot is for: number of people, age/s etc So I can provide as accurate a quote as possible.
Seasonal Shoots
Below is a list of seasonal shoots I do each year and offer each at a set package price and location, unless you have another location in mind (but you must ensure you have the necessary permission). Dates for the shoots vary and largely depend on when each flower (or weed!) is at it's peak. Therefore dates are not confirmed until about two weeks prior to shoot dates.
If you would like to be notified as soon as I start advertising these shoots so you don't miss out, please use the 'Add me to the list' links.
Seasonal Shoots
Last year I found a farm in Kent that offers their Lavender fields for equine photo shoots.
As this will be my first year offering these shoots, I will be offering them at a heavily discounted price in return for using the images for advertising and promotion.
If you would like to take advantage of this, do please show your interest via the link below.